10 April 2007

Am I a hypocrite? PFFFFFFFFF.

I spent alot of time today getting excited about a few things...

First, I was glued to The Sartorialist blog (http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/) for a while oogling the lovely Spring-y fashion shots from around the world. That man has such an amazing eye for lovely, fresh, original details.

Secondly, I became enamored of little red worms!!! They can live in a little bin right in your kitchen and eat your food scraps and make great potting soil! AMAZING. (http://www.lesecologycenter.org/les_frames.html) I cannot wait to get back to the States and buy a pound of the little buggers.

So. Is that a contradiction? Am I a huge hypocrite because I love fashion and aesthetic beauty... but ALSO want to save the world and decrease my environmental footprint as much as possible?

I do not think so. I think it's perfectly normal. Why should we have to choose between being a tree-hugging hippy or a swank Chanel-wearing lady? We DON'T! That's the beauty of living in the twentieth century. The only thing we don't have a choice in is being personally responsible for the earth. We must make little choices to slow down (and eventually reverse) the horrid damage our race has inflicted upon the globe. I, myself, am guilty of not always making the right choices. But, I am resolute in my desire to stop being so damn lazy. So, I hereby declare to do my part to save the planet. In my quest I resolve to:
1. Stop using plastic bags when shopping... I now have a cute linen tote that folds up nice and small.
2. Buy fluorescent/CFL (I think?) bulbs.
3. Buy large chunks of cheese, local, unpackaged deli meats, and, generally, avoid packaged food.
4. Actually USE my Nalegene!
5. COMPOST à la red worms.
6. Buy more second-hand clothes. PLUS, then they're more original and personal.
7. Eat less meat, even though I really eat very little.
8. Try to buy local vegetables (in Poland there's not need to distinguish between organic and conventional since they don't practice massive, ravaging agriculture like in the U.S.... this is just to support local farmers who desperately need it).

That's a list of such SIMPLE things I can do (ANYONE can do them too!) to reduce my negative impact on the world. It just requires a wee bit more energy, a consciousness in my consumption habits, and some imagination. PUL-EEEESE try to make a similar list. I'll update it as I think of more ideas...

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