26 February 2008

To dust off the ol' Blog.

Wow. I haven't posted in AGES. The only reason that I have returned to you, dear blog, is that I have a column in the University of Vermont Cynic and I am considering posting my columns here, on my blog, and then publishing, for ALL of UVM to see, that I have a blog that they can check sporadically to analyze my life.

But, am I really ready to put myself out there for my fellow peers to judge me? Do I really want them to read back into my archived posts, no matter how few they are in number, and make snap judgments about me?

I suppose that I put myself out there already: I mean, this blog is public, yet not publicized. I publish my opinion on fashion in a bi-weekly in a 2,000 circulation paper. I am a loud, opinionated person. I have a public Facebook account... what is there to lose? So little in my life is actually private since I willingly submit myself to public scrutiny in other domains... so why not just open up yet another avenue for my adoring public to worship me?

HAHA. But, ok, maybe I will publish about this blog... afterall, my next column topic is fashion blogs...

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