26 April 2007

Map Out Your Life. Or So They Say.

Lists. Goals. Maps. Brainstorms. Plans. Applications. Bookmarks. Emails.

EGHhh. It's all too much. That is a list (yaaah, I like lists, as we know) of the eck-factor of growing up. What I mean is that we are expected to make plans, lay out our life, have goals. We are supposed to know where we will be in 6 months, one year, two years, TEN years. PFFFF. Apparently having plans and goals makes us a 'grown-up'. Or so I always thought. I have always thought that I have to plan, make lists of goals (see an earlier blog as proof), check boxes off, bookmark job opportunities off the web, send off a million emails, wait patiently for responses, and, generally, just follow some sort of path.

Well, I say: SCREW the path. I have always planned so well, had clear goals, known what I want, and yet, things always turn out a bit differently than expected. OH, wait, I have hit the keyword right there... EXPECTATIONS. Therein lies the real problem with my life. I can plan all I want, but things will NEVER turn out according to plan.

[Written on 4/27/07, saved as an unfinished draft.]

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