23 April 2007

"With Knowledge Comes Responsibility"

I spent some time reflecting on last week's post and what student had said about teaching horrible things, such as genocide. She blatantly thought it is not a good idea. I, somehow, knew that I thought she was wrong, yet I was unable to explain why.

I came across this quote somewhere while reading a book... "With knowledge comes responsibility". That's it. It is so simple. THAT is why we must teach the horrors of what evil men are capable of. We must KNOW what the posibilities are. We must know what is happening. Then, we are OBLIGATED to respond.

The U.S. has used this as an excuse for not taking a stronger stance on many issues. How many times have we heard presidents say that they didn't know what was happening in Turkey during the Armenian genocide, in Nazi-controlled Europe during World War II, in Rwanda in 1994, in Bosnia, and now... We don't "know" what Kim Jong Il is doing to his people in North Korea... We don't "know" exactly what Omar Al-Bashir is doing to fund the genocide in Darfur. THUS, we are not responsible. We do not have to intervene. Our hands are blood free, and busy with other 'more important' things.

PFUH. That is the sound of disgust.

Unfortunately, we know all too well what horrible things are happening around the world, yet we are loathe to get involved.

And while I shudder at the photos I see on NYTimes.com or BBCnews.com, I thank God I have access to such information. I am glad I know what is happening in the world. I am glad that I KNOW and am forced ot be RESPONSIBLE. Thank God I have a mind, a will, energy, and a desire to help and create change.

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